Handbook of Manufacturing Control Fundamentals, description, configuration

Handbook of Manufacturing Control: Fundamentals, description, configuration By Hermann Lödding, Rett Rossi
2013 | 580 Pages | ISBN: 3642244572 | PDF | 6 MB
This first-time English publication of one of Germany’s leading manufacturing control handbooks provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art, with detailed and easy to understand descriptions of numerous control techniques from Kanban to CONWIP to Backlog Control.
Based on the proven funnel model and written for the industry, this book clearly illustrates how companies can use manufacturing control to effectively improve on-time delivery, reduce inventories and cut down throughput times.
“This book distinguishes itself with its convincing systematic approach based on thorough international research. Its clear presentation and direct applicability for analysing and configuring the manufacturing control make this handbook an outstanding and unique publication on PPC.”
Hans-Peter Wiendahl
“The field of manufacturing control is very convincingly reviewed and presented from a theoretical and methodological perspective. Both researchers as well as practitioners will profit from it.”
Peter Nyhuis

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